Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Supp. 1: 1001 c. Desmotricha oceola. (Plate XV. fig. 22. Trichodesma oceola, Dyar, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxxviii. p. 230 (1910). Male: Head yellow, the vertex with black patch; palpi with the 2nd_ joint except in front and at extremity and the 3rd joint black ; antennz black; thorax black-brown, the tegule and patagia streaked with yellow; pectus and legs Segre. the fore cox in front and patches below shoulders yellow, the legs streaked with whitish ;; abdomen black shot with blue, the emia surface greyish. Fore wing black-brown; a yellow point at base of cell; the veins and submedian fold streaked with ereyish to the oblique orange-yellow band from costa beyond middle to termen above eaung, Hind wing black-brown slightly shot with blue. Hab. Mexico; Costa Rica, San Vinas (Schaus), 1 male; VENEZUELA. xp. 38 mili. AZ NOTE: Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. uses a non-standard definition of "tegulae" and "patagia". From Vol. 1: "The thorax consists of three segments-the prothorax, bearing the tegulm or collar-lappets, the patagia or shoulder-lappets, and the fore legs ..."